Jean Liu

  • 网络柳青
Jean LiuJean Liu
  1. Didi Kuaidi set out to raise $ 1.5 billion on June 22 , according to its president , Jean Liu .


  2. He took a Didi car to his first destination , an Apple store in Beijing 's Wang-fujing shopping district , accompanied by Jean Liu , the Chinese company 's president .


  3. Last September , Jean Liu , president of Didi Kuaidi ( now Didi Chuxing ) , had the unenviable task of explaining why it was losing huge amounts of money in a subsidy war with Uber , with no end in sight .


  4. Jean Liu , Didi 's president , said in September that " we wouldn 't be here today if it wasn 't for burning cash . " The company 's chairman , Cheng Wei , said the company spent $ 4bn last year in what he called " market fostering . "
